Marcel·li Bayer (saxophone and clarinets)
Alexandra Garzón (visuals)

I’ve already written about what a gorgeous experience the live presentation of this album is from when I saw Bayer & Garzón at Robadors 23 in December last year. That performance led me to buy the CD, name it as one of my best releases of 2014, and generally get all enthusiastic. So, when the opportunity came round again, I decided to share it with my like-minded (like-eared?) other half.

Rest assured that Señor Bayer was on his usual excellent form and Señorita Garzón’s images fit the music perfectly. If anything, the whole experience was even better for having a little familiarity with the material. But rather than add yet more (and probably superfluous) words, this time we’ll let the pictures do the talking, thanks to the official aJN iPhone…

MB 17feb15 1MB 17feb15 2MB 17feb15 3 MB 17feb15 4-5MB 17feb15 6MB 17feb15 7(Copies of “1680” can be obtained for just a few of your Olde Worlde euros at the Discordian Bandcamp page.)